OFO ALERT: Yankee Gas Critical Day declared aggravated by under-delivery effective gas day 12/20/2024 through 12/25/2024 on IGTS - DO NOT TAKE
Office: (860) 665-5284 Cell: (914) 336-0949 ICEIM: abawad Email: abeir.awad@eversource.com CT Yankee 24/7 GAS CONTROL (844) 886-9350 MA NSTAR GAS CONTROL (844) 886-9349 MA EGMA GAS CONTROL (844) 239-8924
From: christopher_stutz@iroquois.com <christopher_stutz@iroquois.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 1:15 PM Subject: Critical, Operational Flow Order, 12/20/2024 9:00:00 AM, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., 603955949
Pursuant to General Terms and Conditions, Section 38, of Iroquois’ FERC Gas Tariff, Effective Friday, December 20th Gas Day an Iroquois Operational Flow Order (OFO) is in effect for all points:
• South of MLV-14
Due to expected high volumes and forecasted weather conditions Iroquois is requiring all point operators in the affected area to adhere to their scheduled volumes to maintain pipeline pressures necessary for operations. No due unscheduled shipper gas (OBA) will be available. Operators are required to operate within tariff guidelines. Flow Control will be implemented and activated if necessary.
Iroquois reminds all operators and agents of directly connected power plants of the related parameters as set forth by FERC Order 698. Iroquois requires all directly connected power plant operators to submit burn profiles and nominations prior to gas flow. Flexibility on burn rates is limited and power plant operators are urged to burn ratably based on scheduled volumes.
If you have any further questions, please contact your account representative or Gas Control.
End date December 26, 2024, 9:00 am (CCT).
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